That house in Suran you don't step in uninvited

A casual study on how the color RED makes anything sexy XD

// mood


scene //
bed: sacrilege traveler's bed
books & pillows: zerkalo Aberdeen Pillows
dividers: zerkalo The Den Room Divider Square

av //
head: BeSpoke Sphynx Majesty @ The Warehouse Sale
body: Maitreya Lara (old one, yea. this clothes fits on the new lara with the exception of the bum. but my avs usually pack some cake, so ymmw)
outfit: Petrichor & ERSCH Maelin aaaand Petrichor Gaelinne
(this is layered, but omg do these two layer NICELY. you know how there's usually some clipping when you try mix and match different sets, right? here's close to none. to the point of me going "wait what" in voice chat when I tried them on together)