
Welcome to your regularly scheduled random "commoner NPC" encounter.

// mood


head: BeSpoke Sphynx Majesty @ The Warehouse Sale (Head is 25% off, individual skins 50% off, skin fatpack 75% off)
new, better Sphynx, with even more regal power hidden in the wrinkles

body: Maitreya Lara
not LaraX even, just and old Lara, although if you own Lara and didn't get redelivery yet - do. it's free, the update button is right in your HUD.

herd: Clover BloodStalker Pets

bandages: ANTAYA Big bandage set BOM @ We Love Roleplay (RP essentials imo, unless your characters don't do combat at all)
top&straps: Petrichor & ERSCH Verelai @ The Warehouse Sale
skirt: Petrichor & ERSCH Awylinde
vines: ERSCH Ivy Suit @ Collabor88
staff: Vae Victis Eilune Pastoralist Crook GG